Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Create A Legitimate Pattern

Today with Mrs. Brooks, she showed me how to create a repeating pattern.

I realized that I have been making "croques", which are kind of sketches of patterns that are not perfectly repeating.

So, what we did was take my star doodle sketch:

 and then I was taught how to create a 5 point layout.

First you create a 2x2 inch box on Adobe Illustrator
(make it any color)

Then put objects in the center and on the sides (in my case my star)

After that is done, go to preferences then to general and change the keyboard increments to 2 inches

Then take one of your objects and copy it, then make it "paste in front" so that it goes 2 inches from your original object

Spread as many objects as wanted in the 2x2 box to make a pattern you think is legitimate

Once you think the pattern is ready for complete repetition, create another 2x2 inch box over the original box, and make it have no fill and no stroke so that it can be viable to become a swatch in your palette

Once your pattern is in the palette, test it by create a space any size and clicking your swatch. It should repeat throughout your entire space

Above is what I created. The small boxes in the middle are the 2x2 inch boxes that were made into the swatches. The three big rectangles on the sides are legitimate repeating patterns.

I am glad I was taught how to do this, however it has made me think about how my work so far has been a little bit too amateur.

I may start to completely repeat some of the croques I have made already, but I have made so many that I might not get to all of them.

A Shining Star

Yesterday I scanned in the doodle above and made a few patterns from it. 

This one is just zoomed in. I still like it
This one is probably my favorite.

I have a couple more doodles I am scanning in...

here they are:

I'll be working on these today during my free periods!