Friday, March 2, 2012

Using a Pattern, in an Art Project

When my AP Art teacher assigned a project for our portfolio I came up with an idea that involved my previous pattern I created just for fun.

The Second Pattern I ever created.

I used a part of my second pattern, in a project for my AP Art class.

Goes to show you that, parts of projects can be used over and over. And also, my textile design and art work came in handy !
Some artists actually have some giveaway to their art. They have things incorporated in their pieces of work that they use over and over. 

For example:

 René François Ghislain Magritte uses clouds in a lot of his paintings. 

"Decalcomanie" Magritte
"The Empire of Light II" Magritte

"False Mirror"
"The Castle of Pyrenees" Magritte
"Personal Values" Magritte
"The Victory" Magritte              

I may do the same thing as some of the greatest artists of all time with my design.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Booked Hotel & A Plan for Inspiration

I blogged awhile back about how I had been interested in Fiber Philadelphia and the exhibits on textiles it was showing.

My Mom and I have decided to go and book a hotel to stay over and visit some exhibitions.

I am pretty excited and we are going in mid-March...yaay!!

A Surprisingly Easy Stripe&Plaid

The day that I created my plate designs, I was also taught to create a stripe and a plaid.

Mrs. Brooks taught me how to create the stripe with just long rectangles in a box, color them, and there it is.

Then she taught me how to layed more rectangles over the stripe and fade them to create a plaid.

I had no clue that it was as simple as it was. I am very happy I got to learn how to make it...woohoo!

An Idea Used Before

Over the summer, when I was commuting to the Fashion Institute of Technology for my Experimental Media class, I had a lot of free time waiting on the train. All I really used my 2 hours a day on the train doing was listening to music, and doodling.

This is one of the doodles I created in July of 2010, on the train:\

Over February Break, my family and I went to a fine arts museum in Springfield Massachusetts. At that museum I saw a piece that reminded me a lot of my doodle I made on the train. 

And here it is:

"Composition Distraite" Pierre Courtin 1921

What I wanted to portray with this blog entry was that if an artist in the 1920's can create an idea, and then almost a decade later another artist can create something very similar, then isn't there some kid of connection?

I think that all artists can come up with a lot of the same ideas, it is how the artist executes them that makes them different.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Experimenting with a Plate

After I finished my border, I got right to work.

I changed the colors of each piece involved :


And then repeated it like I did to create an entire border.
After I created a smaller one that was similar but not completely the same, as a salad plate to go along with the dinner plate I created.

I then made a lot of different plates by changing a color or two, changing the size of something and tweaking at anything. That's when I created all of these:

I like the simple  design to this.
I hate the green border on this. Which is one
thing I will not be repeating in another plate design
I will create.

I loved the stripes. This is one of my favorites.

I like the bold pink in this, I do think it has too much
purple though.

Once I had enough of just the color changes and border tweaking, I decided to make a symbol of some sort. I  put this one part layered over each other.

By doing that, I created this.

And followed it up with this.

I have not decided what I will be using for my final project. But I have figured out somethings that do not work, and things that have.

I am very excited for what is to come, and will keep the work going!