Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Full Border

Today I created the border of my plate design. I have already shown you what I drew out which is this:

Then I took a picture of it and uploaded it to Adobe Illustrator to Live Trace. So it would be easy to just fill with color. 

However the Live Trace didn't work, so I decided to go over my lines with the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I only went over one part of my design because it is just the same shape repeated.

After that I just copy and pasted my design into Adobe Photoshop and made it into my pattern and arranged the shapes into what I had in mind and got this. I then warped the shapes and created an arc, since I am making a circle.

I put the arcs arranged in a circle and got my plate border!

And once that was done I just made a smaller one, representing the salad and dinner plates.

Today was supposed to be a mentor meeting, but sadly Brooks is not here. If she is tomorrow I will definitely show this all to her, and I am sure she will comment and critique me on my work!

I am happy I was so productive!!! Woohoo

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

From Anything

I will post patterns that inspire me in the other two sections of Textile Designs, Conversational and Ethnic. However I just wanted to add that I not only get inspiration from patterns in this book, I get inspiation from anything.

Here is the 500 word inspiration essay I had to write for my Fashion Institute of Techology applicaton.

"The inspiration I have for my artwork originates from many different sources. These sources are all around me and include life’s everyday actions, certain items, and different images. Examples of these sources include museums, other people’s artwork, things that I watch, things that people say, seeing pictures and quotes, stories people tell to each other and even my own doodles.

When I visited the MoMA, the Louvre, the D’Orsay and also the MAD museum; there were specific pieces from each that inspired me. Such as Georges de La Tour in the Louvre, and Renoir in the D’Orsay; they were both collections that inspired me to continue my artwork because there were just so spectacular. Also, when I watch movies there are scenes that encourage me to recreate them or completely change them. Even when I am just walking around in any type of surrounding, there is always an accessory on someone’s outfit, a window display, an intense pattern and even tidbits of a strangers’ conversation. What people say is another thing that can always give me ideas, whether it is a story told to me, a character’s line on a television show and sometimes jokes. I remember one time a girl was having a conversation behind me about dragging her pair of jeans around by the belt hooked in them. It sparked an idea to create a picture of a little child dragging around their pants and pretending like it was their pet. Of course I also get inspired by pictures. Whether they are in magazines, books or posters, these encourage me to create a piece inspired by it. When looking through a magazine, there can be horrible advertisements that can also work as fabulous pieces of motivation for a piece of art. Certain quotes that I read can encourage me to create something because when I read there is always more than the book being contemplated in my head. A quote that always makes me think very hard is said by Lewis Carroll. He once said “Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.” , this quote has always made me envision what people think they are, who they want to be and who they genuinely are; which are all very vague and so it creates many different ideas. Another thing that has always got my brain working is just doodling. When I begin doodling I don’t expect it to actually create anything, but as I continue every doodle surprises me and becomes something unexpected. Doodle’s, help the process of thinking because anything can be created.

The love I have for artwork and by keeping an open mind, allows me to be inspired by almost everything, which is fantastic. I love thinking of new ideas constantly; the only downside is trying to remember them all. Being inspired is always a great occurrence for me, but can be bittersweet because of the inability for me to go off and do what I want at any moment."

I will post my inspiring textiles soon!

Working on my pattern for my place setting tomorrow!

Geometric Inspiration

Also in the "Book of Inspiration", really the Textile Designs book, the section after floral is geometric. These are just the patterns in this section that jumped out to me with inspiration. They are all unique and influence me in one way of another.
 I love looking through the book because each time I see something I hadn't seen before. Every section is inspirational and every page is unique and helpful. 

One of my favorites in the entire book.
"Blocks and Cubes"

"Stripes: Serpentine and Wavy"
"Circles and Dots"
"Loops and Scribbles"

Another one of my favorite patterns.


"Circles and Dots"
"Cartouches and Lozenges"

I loved the intricacy
of this patten.

"Plaids :Novelty"

The green, pink and yellow are great in this pattern.



When I saw the pattern on the right of this page I immediately
 thought of neon lights and I would
love to create a pattern or even an art piece with something of that
nature incoporated.


The compostiton for this black and white bull's-eye pattern is great. I'd love to create something like it.
"Box Layout", and "Brushstroke Look"

I love the look of teh brushstrokes and the colors in this particular pattern are fantastic.

I actually loved the "marbleized" look for awhile now. I had no idea there was an entire section on it in my Textile Designs book. Last year I loved the look so much that Mrs. Brooks and I actually attemped at creating a marble look.
"Marbleized Look"

We took shaving cream and dye, and created this.


I had no clue I would ever use this skill of marblization, or even this piece for anything but fun. But I am very glad to know I will learn more about this, and plan on creating a real full pattern with this skill.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Book Full of Inspiration

My neighbor Richard Weissman, that I shadowed in both the city and The Design Library gave me a gift. It's a huge book full of textiles all owned by the Deisgn Library.
Textile Designs by Susan Meller and Joost Elffers
 This book has many inspiring images that are helping me with my current project. I wanted to show all of my favorites in the four categories of the book (floral, geometric, conversational and ethnic)
Here are just some of my favorites in the Floral Section:

"Patterened Ground: Dots"

"Patterened Ground: Geometric"
"Grasses and Wheat"

"Patterned Ground: Checks and Plaids"

Fiber Philidelphia

The other night, my Mom got an email about a textile exhibition. It's in Philidephia, and many textile artists and designers show their work. My Mom offered to go, and we are planning it soon. I am pretty excited and cannot wait to see all of the things that will be shown!