Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Geometric Inspiration

Also in the "Book of Inspiration", really the Textile Designs book, the section after floral is geometric. These are just the patterns in this section that jumped out to me with inspiration. They are all unique and influence me in one way of another.
 I love looking through the book because each time I see something I hadn't seen before. Every section is inspirational and every page is unique and helpful. 

One of my favorites in the entire book.
"Blocks and Cubes"

"Stripes: Serpentine and Wavy"
"Circles and Dots"
"Loops and Scribbles"

Another one of my favorite patterns.


"Circles and Dots"
"Cartouches and Lozenges"

I loved the intricacy
of this patten.

"Plaids :Novelty"

The green, pink and yellow are great in this pattern.



When I saw the pattern on the right of this page I immediately
 thought of neon lights and I would
love to create a pattern or even an art piece with something of that
nature incoporated.


The compostiton for this black and white bull's-eye pattern is great. I'd love to create something like it.
"Box Layout", and "Brushstroke Look"

I love the look of teh brushstrokes and the colors in this particular pattern are fantastic.

I actually loved the "marbleized" look for awhile now. I had no idea there was an entire section on it in my Textile Designs book. Last year I loved the look so much that Mrs. Brooks and I actually attemped at creating a marble look.
"Marbleized Look"

We took shaving cream and dye, and created this.


I had no clue I would ever use this skill of marblization, or even this piece for anything but fun. But I am very glad to know I will learn more about this, and plan on creating a real full pattern with this skill.

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