Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Paper Birds

Yesterday, me and Mrs. Brooks met up and looked through everything I had brought (which were doodles and inspiration for a new project). We couldn't scan in any of my doodles, so we began looking at my inspirational colors, and subjects.

I had loved the idea of origami birds in the design for a full place setting. Along with a pattern from a magazine I absolutely loved. The pattern was turkish and very detailed and ethnic.

Mrs Brooks gave me some ideas for what it could look like, and I went right to work. She told me to look up pictures on google images of "turkish tile", iznik tile", "alhambra designs" and "origami birds". I found pictures that I liked it all of the fields and started doodling how I wanted the birds to be presented in the pattern.

I decided on them being presented in a trio, with three different positions of origami.

Here is what I came up with:

Mrs. Brooks decided on doing a salad plate, a dinner plate, cup, saucer and napkin, all with my design on it. We thought about where we could put the ethnic pattern, whether it be in the center of the dish, on the bird, in a cloud around the bird, or on the border.

I am still working on where the pattern will go, and perfecting the trio.

There is a lot of work to be done.

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