Monday, February 6, 2012

The Start of a New Project

I have told a lot about what I have done, and not so much as to what I plan on doing. For my W.I.S.E project I plan on exploring textiles, through history, creating them with mediums and using the computer and just learning about them in general. I want to design patterns, and also create art with patterns within them.

My mentor for my project is Mrs. Brooks, this is because she is not only one of my favorite teachers but also because she majored in Textile and Surface Design at FIT, which is what I wish to do. She is the perfect match for my project and I plan on doing extraordinary things with her.

I talked to her not so long ago, and we have already decided to meet every Thursday 3rd period for our weekly meetings. But we also decided on working that period tomorrow to start working on some new patterns.

She has already seen my doodles, and we both feel some of them could do very well in a pattern. She has also shown me a table/cup design, where someone designed an entire place setting.

Tomorrow 3rd period we plan on going over what we think can work, and what we will do first. Whether it is creating a new design for a pattern, using one of my doodles for a pattern or even just beginning the inspiration process for the place setting design.

So, for tomorrow I will be bringing in:

I liked the colors in this, however it might be too detailed.

I have already made this on the computer and
changed it so I thought maybe I could use that along with a
new pattern I might create.

I have already made this a pattern, but I thought
maybe I could create something completely different.

I thought of this as a border around a room in repeat.

I think this one has great potential.

and pictures that have colors and subject matter that inspire me,

I thought camels would be cool to repeat, and the colors and what is happening in this image is great.

I love the colors in this picture.
I love the natural patterns and detail in the owl. The colors are amazing,.

I love how the patterns are made here and the use of the medium.

I thought oragami birds might be a fun pattern on a place setting.

All of these are options, I have no idea what I will do. This is all inspiration and everything it up in the air. All I know is that I will be creating something new.

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