Saturday, February 4, 2012

I am the Chameleon and the Sun is my Art

For College essay, I decided to create a metaphor. Here is an excerpt from it.

 "There once was a chameleon. This chameleon was shy and would blend into every surface that came about. Every time there was anything intimidating around, it would change color and be suddenly invisible. The only time the chameleon was not afraid to show its extraordinary hues, was when the sun shined on its body. The chameleon absolutely adored having the warm glow circulate through its skin. The chameleon felt completely free and let go of all its worries. The suns luminosity was what made the chameleon's day exceptional. Instead of the chameleon hiding in its background like always, it would stand out and be seen by everyone. The chameleon searched for the sun whenever feasible, and hoped it would stay forever...I am the chameleon and the sun is my art."

..."The chameleon who is shy and timid is also the chameleon who shines bright when the sun hits it plan on going into college, ready to learn and leave loving what I am doing. Art is my sun, and I won't go one day without it. "

Chameleon created after writing my college essay.

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