Friday, February 3, 2012

An Introduction to the Fashion Institute of Technology

Once Brooks had told me about how she did very well at FIT and thought I would too, I decided to take a look. I went on their website and was just looking around. When I saw that they offered summer classes, I was immediately eager to take one. Since I had been introduced to the textile business and everything that came along with it, I looked if they offered a textile class. They had one called "Introduction to Textiles" which was perfect for me since I wanted to learn more and see what I would be getting myself into if I went to college for textile design.
However, the textile/surface design major is very small and it turns out that if a class doesn’t get a set number of students willing to take it, it is canceled.So, intead I decided that I still wanted to take an art class at FIT because of my passion for art and also because I wanted to see what commuting to the city and going to school every day would be like.
So I looked at the other classes offered and found one I knew would be particularly fun, and that was "Experimental Media". The class was from 9am-12pm, Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks. My dad took me on my first day and showed me everything about going to and from the city. Every day I would get on the 7:48am train out of Golden's Bridge to Grand Central, take the shuttle from Grand Central to Times Square and then take the 1 subway from Times Square to 28th street.
My class was extraordinarily fun not only because of the art projects that were assigned, but the people and teachers there were outgoing, uplifting, optimistic and straightforward. I loved taking that class because I loved making my own pieces of art every day and getting feedback. Everyday our teacher would give us a project, maybe give us materials for it (we had to bring a lot of materials on our own) and then get to work. When there was half an hour left we would put all our end products on one side of the room and we would go through each one critiquing it. I love knowing what people think of my art, which is why have the critique everyday was so fantastic. 

Taking that first class at FIT was a great experience and led me to fall in love with the school and want to attend the 2012 fall semester.
One of my Experimental Media projects, we had to draw an object that meant something to us (mine was a nesting doll) and then make is huge. I decided to cut it up on my own,
 Another project we were assigned was to piece together wood blocks and create anything we wanted. I chose to create a face wth many options.

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