Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Library Without any Books

After sitting in on Richard's meeting, he invited me to see the Design Library.

I went in early January for an entire work day, and I realized how much work happens in an industry all about inspiration!

Richard and I arrived, and he showed me the entire library. Every textile is organized into four categories: geometrics, ethnic, floral and conversational. With all of the textiles there, organization is a huge foundation to their industry. If they weren't organized they would not make half as many sales, because they wouldn't be able to find the textiles they want to show to clients.

I saw thousands of patterns that day and enjoyed every minute of it. I loved seeing people's ideas through their patterns and seeing how many different ones there were.

Richard actually gave me an assignment, and that was to pick out patterns for a client of theres. At first I was picking very few I thought would work and then I was reminded, that they are going to pick only a few from hundreds. That's when I started getting a little crazy with my choosings,and  when I finished picking ones I thought would work, Richard came over and looked at everything I chose, He told me that they would definitely buy a bunch of what I had picked, and I felt fantastic. Knowing that his clients collections would have patterns in ti because of the ones I had chosen made me feek ecstatic. I loved being apart of the big picture.
My second shadowing adventure with Richard was just as fulfilling as the first, and I plan on returning to the Design Library very soon.

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