Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Return to the Fashion Institute of Technology

After my wonderful experience at the Fashion Institute of Technology over the summer, I decided to sign up for another class. I tried once again for a Introduction to Textiles class, but it was sadly canceled. I still wanted to take a class, and chose to take a Portfolio Developmet class. Since I was going tro apply to FIT as an art/fashion major and had to show a portfolio, I thought why not create it at the school I was handing it into. So I started the class that was every Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm, for 12 weeks.

 My teacher guided us all through still lifes,

nude models (a lot of nude models),

 and portraiture.

My favorite was the portraiture because I really enjoyed studying a person's face and making it look as real as possible. I did a few portraits, and many many many nude paintings.

I loved the experience of it all not only because I got to do things that I would have never gotten a chance to do at my highschool, but also because three quarters of my final portfolio was made in the porfolio class. I got a lot out of the class, and would love to take another.

My experiences at FIT have always been positive, which is one of the many reasons why I feel it is perfect for me. I love the location, the people and having the ability to fufill my dreams. The Fashion Institute of Technology is where I want to learn how to create and design textiles, and graduate from.

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