Thursday, March 15, 2012

More & More Changed

 This time I took some more doodles, and in this case a monoprint, and changed them and
tweaked with them on Adobe Illustrator.

What I did here was put the original picture in Illustrator, live traced it, expanded it, put a box of mint green color behind the picture, and then just did something that people who work in graphic design think is a mistake. But in my case I had the complete intention to have one side of the face apart from the other. I really looked at this piece as more of art. I think of this as a face split up into two completely different part brought together by a common ground. the left side is full of detail and some color and is more lively. While the right side has darker stokes and no color. I liked how this came out.

Once I finished that, I decided to just keep moving on with my doodles. This time I got a little carried away with the variables.

This doodle is from over the summer, I had no intention of it becoming a pattern, especially not the way that it did.

I took the stems of the "apple" looking shape in my doodle and played around with them. And I created these many many patterns...

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I really like the way this one came out.

What I found out from all these patterns I have created in these couple days were two things.
1. That I know I am a designer becasue of the way I see things, and they way I want to create things.
Ever since I was introduced, and even before that, I saw things in patterns.
Recently every time one of my art teachers gives me a project, I have seen patterns that come from it.
2. I also know that I love how these patterns are coming out. I now know that the computer is a very good tool to make patterns. I will keep making doodles, putting them on the computer and playing with them. I have a whole book full!



I also used parts from patterns I made recently. Like this one below.

 I took the bold part of this pattern and made them into the patterns below.

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