Sunday, March 11, 2012

On to Another Part of Philly

After we left the Crane Arts Building we moved on to another part of Philly.

The Snyderman-Works Gallery was full of amazaing work.

"Tracts and Traces" Lia Cook

When I first saw this, I never realized
there was a face. It completely creeped me
out when I figured it out.
"The Fence as Lace VI" Jeanne Williamson

This was one of my favorites in the trip.

"Cabinet" Gary Magakis

This was the only quilt in the gallery.
I loved it.
"After Dark Comes Calling" John McQueen
"Sphere; 2008-08, 2008" Lucy Arai
"Caterpillar" Jon Eric Ris
Up close of "Caterpillar"

The bead work was magnificent.
"Everyday 2" Katherine Webb

I loved the contour threading.
"Everyday 1" Katherine Webb
"2004,15,2004" Lucy Arai
"Advance & Retreat" Karin Birch
"Car" and "House" Dorie Millerson

These works were made completely out of thread.
"Untitled" Paige Fetchen

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